Exceptional work

On behalf of Grace, and myself, I would like to express my sincere thanks to you and your entire team for the exceptional work you performed in sorting and clearing Grace’s home, and preparing it for sale.  Faced with such a large project, I found myself completely overwhelmed and not sure where, or how to start. Your expertise, advice, knowledge of what needed to be done, on what time line, and your roster of reliable contacts to handle each outside task was invaluable.  Seemingly undaunted by even the largest challenges presented in some of the areas, you handled each one, quickly, efficiently, and with a considerate and compassionate attitude that was most appreciated.

On a personal note, I was most grateful for the way you kept your eye on me as well, ensuring that I was coping both physically and emotionally with unfolding events.  I would not hesitate to recommend you to anyone in need of help of this kind in the future, and in fact, have already done so.

Grateful Clients, Winnipeg, MB

Appreciate the calm in my stressful situation

I just wanted to take the chance to thank you for helping my brother and me clear out my mother’s condo after her move to a senior’s apartment. It was a daunting task we were faced with, and you gave us some much needed direction. I really appreciate how you took control and lined up all aspects of the move. You have a great team of ladies working for you. They were careful and respectful to the things they were packing, whether the items were headed to auction or to a charity. It was very useful having you line up your contacts so that all the items were picked up and taken away in the few short days I was able to be in town. It was a stressful time and I really needed your calmness, organization and direction. I couldn’t believe all that was accomplished in two and a half days. It would have taken us weeks or months. Thanks again for all your help!

A Happy Daughter from Alberta, Canada

Highly recommend her services!

I had the difficult task of cleaning out my mother’s house after she had passed away. Not only had she accumulated 30 years’ worth of stuff, she also was a collector, and I felt like I had about a million and one things to go through. It was also my childhood home, and there were many memories attached to everything. I had an initial consultation with Susan but wasn’t ready to start the sorting process yet, which she was very respectful of. Once I was ready, she made sure to let me know that we would move at my pace and that I never had to make a decision if I wasn’t ready. Susan was so caring and understanding of my situation. I also worked with many of her team members and they were all fantastic. The sorting process didn’t happen overnight, but I felt really good about all the decisions I’d made. I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for Susan. I would highly recommend her services, and have to many friends and family.

A satisfied client, Winnipeg, MB

Professional and caring

Thank you for looking after the clean out of my Aunt’s place. You helped lessened the burden of stress for my family at a difficult time. We appreciate your professionalism and care.

from a Niece living out of province

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