Situational disorganization is dealing with clutter or chaos for a brief period, as a result of major events or changes in a person’s life.  Some causes could be:

  • death of a loved one
  • divorce
  •  job or career change
  • retirement
  • move to a different home
  • serious illness of a family member
  • addition or leaving of a family member
  • persistent and constant disorganization over a long period of time
  • disorganization can minimize the daily functions of thinking, working and relaxing which affect the quality of life
  • past attempts of self-help efforts have been unsuccessful

Common Characteristics of Chronic Disorganization

  • accumulation of large quantities of items
  • abundance of papers
  • easily distracted
  • needs visual clues
  • many interests and unfinished projects
  • difficulty in letting go of items
  • loses or misplaces items
  • acquisition and failure to discard useless items or items of limited value
  • living spaces are greatly cluttered, blocking or eliminating the use of the spaces for their intended purposes
  • definite decline in the use of the home cause distress

Some signs of Hoarding are:

  • excessive collections of items in the home and could also include outbuildings and yard
  • accumulation of combustible items (newspapers and debris)
  • blocked or limited access to exits (doors/windows)
  • narrow pathways in the home
  • rodent or insect infestations
  • rotting food and/or food containers
  • human and/or animal waste
  • neglect of home maintenance
  • non-working utilities

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